Getting Started with RDTJ (Roundeye's Duct-Tape Jukebox) by Rick Bradley ( / Oct. 10, 2001 $Header: /cvsroot/rdtj/rdtj/README,v 1.8 2001/10/10 21:32:34 roundeye Exp $ * * * * * * * * * * UPGRADE NOTICE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE -- if you're upgrading from 0.2 or 0.3 to 0.4 you need to non-destructively modify a database table. After unpacking, feed the upgrade SQL file into your database, for example: % mysql -uuser -p -hhost mp3 < ~/rdtj-0.4/upgrades/tables_0.2,0.3-0.4.sql NOTE -- if you're upgrading from 0.1 you need to first non-destructively modify a database table. After unpacking, feed the upgrade SQL file into your database, for example: % mysql -uuser -p -hhost mp3 < ~/rdtj-0.3/upgrades/tables_0.1-0.2.sql Then follow the above instructions on upgrading from 0.2 or 0.3 to 0.4. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * About RDTJ "Roundeye's Duct-Tape Jukebox" is a web-based MP3 jukebox system. I wrote it prior to a party I was holding when I wanted to allow people to choose songs to play on the stereo without having to worry about whether they were too drunk to operate it... I have a decent portion of my CD collection ripped to MP3 files which are organized by artist and album and browsing by artist and/or album seemed a really natural way to go about things. The idea that partygoers (and later anyone over at the house and even others out on the web) could use a web browser to pick songs to play really appealed to me: no worries about whether the stereo would end up with beer in it, people don't have to wait around holding a CD while other songs finish, and since I have a bunch of computers around the house people don't need to go to another room to play a song. Since then some friends have installed the software and we have fun playing songs on each others stereos (even though some of us are states apart). While I don't necessarily recommend making your stereo accessible from the WWW, using a firewall or an htaccess access control system to make it selectively available can make for some fun. The homepage for RDTJ is at I - Getting the source There are currently two ways to get RDTJ: HTTP download and CVS checkout. HTTP download RDTJ is being hosted by SourceForge (a part of the Open Source Development Network - OSDN) which provides free hosting and development services for Open Source software (like RDTJ). They offer HTTP (web) access to file repositories. To retrieve RDTJ version 0.4 via HTTP: Point a web browser at this address and save the resulting file: CVS checkout If you have CVS installed you can check out the CVS source from Sourceforge via their CVS pserver. To check out the RDTJ CVS tree via pserver: % cvs login [ when prompted for a password for "anonymous" simply press the Enter key ] % cvs -z3 co rdtj II - Prerequisites The RDTJ software is being developed on Linux, but will most likely work on a wide range of *nix systems (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, SunOS/Solaris, OSX, etc.) as long as they can run the necessary underlying packages. While the front-end should run anywhere PHP (w/ MySQL support) runs, the back-end relies on Perl's fork() call to allow for real-time song skipping and hence won't run on Windows. You will need a number of packages to make the RDTJ software work properly: - a database (MySQL is the only one supported at the moment). Currently you'll need MySQL installed somewhere on your network and the permissions set to allow the web server to perform selects, inserts, updates, and deletes on a database named "mp3". - a PHP-enabled WWW server. I developed the code using Apache 1.3.*. I had mod_php3 compiled in and had MySQL support compiled into PHP3. The system works fine (and is even faster) under PHP4. In future releases we will not guarantee PHP3 support. - Perl with the following non-standard module dependencies: ? RDTJ component Perl modules needed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- M DBI, DBD::mysql O insert_album MP3::Info O add MP3::Info, LWP::Simple, Algorithm::Diff, DBI, DBD::mysql ? -> 'M' denotes mandatory components, 'O' denotes optional components I am using Perl 5.6.1 for development, but you can probably get away with most Perl releases > 5.004 (and in a pinch you might be able to go back further). - a command-line MP3 player. I use mpg123 ( It's slick, sturdy, and does the job. You could probably find a number of other players which will fit the bill. Currently if you change players you may need to do minor code hacking in This hassle should be alleviated in a future release. - a system with sound support which can play mp3's. I took a laptop with a line out jack, hooked up some RCA cables into the back of my stereo (the AUX jack for those who must know) and when the laptop plays so does the stereo. III - Installing. You can install the system on one machine (which is probably the easiest way to go for starters) or spread the components over different machines. For the sake of the installation discussion assume you have the following machines: - dbserver - a computer which is running MySQL - wwwserver - a computer running a PHP-enabled web server - playserver - a computer with a sound card which will run the backend player and mpg123 Once you have the components listed above in place you need to unpack and install RDTJ. - Move the downloaded rdtj-0.4.tar.gz to a working directory. - Unpack rdtj by issuing the command: % tar xvfz rdtj-0.4.tar.gz % cd rdtj-0.4/ - Create a directory in the wwwserver's web documents directory for the rdtj php interface and copy the files in rdtj-0.4/html/ there: % mkdir /home/httpd/html/rdtj/ % cp -a html/* /home/httpd/html/rdtj/ or: % cp -a html/ /home/httpd/html/rdtj/ - update the front-end configuration The front-end configuration is now much more flexible, more centralized, and hopefully easier to understand. The file rdtj-0.4/html/header.php contains the configuration options (as well as the header for the web pages). Here is how the configuration section looks by default: # ADMIN OPTIONS $admin_pass = "pass"; # password for administrative functions # (should be md5+database eventually) $admin_allow_song = 1; # allow admin to modify song details? $admin_allow_album = 1; # allow admin to modify album details? $admin_allow_artist = 1; # allow admin to modify artist details? # DATABASE OPTIONS $dbhost = "host"; # which host is the database server? $dbuser = "user"; # which user should connect to the db? $dbpass = "password"; # what is the db user's password? $dbname = "mp3"; # what is the name of the database? # COLORS $color_page = "#f2f2d0"; # background color for page $color_request = "#f9fce8"; # background color for requests area $color_status = "#71b8f2"; # background color for current song area $color_controls = "#a2d2f2"; # background color for player controls $color_hits = "#bffce6"; # background color for hits area $color_songs = "#a1f2f4"; # background color for collapsed song list $color_text = "#000000"; # default text color $color_error_page = "#f4f44b"; # background color for error sections $color_error_msg = "#f21515"; # background color for error messages # STATUS OPTIONS $status_title = "Jukebox Status"; # headline to show above status area $status_album = 1; # display album for current song? $status_length = 1; # show song length for current song? $status_show_IP = 1; # show IP for current song? $status_play_line = "Now playing:"; # "now playing" message text # PLAYER CONTROL OPTIONS $controls_on = 1; # enable player controls? $controls_show_IP = 1; # show IP in player controls? $controls_show_time = 1; # show elapsed time in player controls? # REQUEST OPTIONS $request_title = "Requests"; # headline to show above expanded requests $request_album = 1; # display albums in request list? $request_length = 1; # show track length in request list? $request_show_IP = 1; # show IP's in request list? $request_wait_time = 1; # show "requested xxx ago" info for requests? $request_kill = 1; # display "kill" links in requests? $request_close = 1; # "close" link on the expanded requests area? $mass_murder = 1; # display mass-delete widgets in requests? # HITS OPTIONS $hits_title = "Greatest Hits"; # headline to show above expanded hits $hits_default = 10; # default number of hits to show initially $hits_all = 1000000; # number of hits to request for "all hits" $hits_close = 1; # "close" link on the expanded hits area? # SONG LIST OPTIONS $songs_title = ""; # headline to show above song list # MISC. OPTIONS $refresh_on = 1; # should the page refresh? $refresh_time = 150; # how many seconds before a refresh? $refresh_time_small = 30; # refresh time when song list is hidden You'll at least want to change $admin_pass to be a secret administrator password. You'll also need to set $dbhost ("localhost" will probably work if you are running everything on one machine), $dbuser, and $dbpass. To enable administration you will also need to set $admin_allow_song, $admin_allow_album, and $admin_allow_artist to 1. - Create the mp3 database and load the tables into it % echo "create database mp3" | mysql -uusername -p -hdbserver % mysql -uusername -p -hdbserver mp3 < tables.sql (change "mp3" to your database name if you wish to install the RDTJ database somewhere else. Be sure to update the PHP front-end settings with the new database name, and to update the Perl back-end settings with the new database name.) - Configure the Perl components The Perl components of the RDTJ share a common configuration file located at rdtj-0.4/RDTJ/ You should edit this file's settings to reflect your installation. You will at least want to update the database settings: # database settings $dbname = "DBI:mysql:mp3"; $dbuser = "user"; $dbpass = "password"; To connect on another host you'll want to use something like: $dbname = "DBI:mysql:mp3@dbserver:port"; There is additionally a log file which is created by By default the output goes to the standard output (stdout) which is specified by '-'. If you want to log to a file then set $logfile to point to where you want your logfile to live. The player will close the log file, time stamp it, and open a new one if you send it a HUP signal. - Load up your mp3 data into the database This is currently the most "duct-tape-ish" part of the installation (you knew the name must have come from somewhere, right?). Fortunately it's also the area I'm most excited about improving in the next release. Unfortunately, this isn't the next release. Currently there are two options: 1) There's a script called "insert_album" in the distribution which will take a playlist file and generate the necessary MySQL "INSERT" statements to load an album's information into the database. For example: The playlist file: /media/mp3/Foo/Bar/__playlist lists, in order, the names of the files which make up the album "Bar" by the artist "Foo": /media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Baz.mp3 /media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Fnord.mp3 /media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Hack.mp3 /media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Crack.mp3 /media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Sleep.mp3 /media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Food.mp3 /media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Caffeine.mp3 Passing it through "insert_album": % cat /media/mp3/Foo/Bar/__playlist | perl insert_album INSERT INTO songs (title, artist, album, length, albumposition, filename) VALUES ('Baz', 'Foo', 'Bar', 234, 1, '/media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Baz.mp3'); INSERT INTO songs (title, artist, album, length, albumposition, filename) VALUES ('Fnord', 'Foo', 'Bar', 123, 2, '/media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Fnord.mp3'); INSERT INTO songs (title, artist, album, length, albumposition, filename) VALUES ('Hack', 'Foo', 'Bar', 409, 3, '/media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Hack.mp3'); INSERT INTO songs (title, artist, album, length, albumposition, filename) VALUES ('Crack', 'Foo', 'Bar', 42, 4, '/media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Crack.mp3'); INSERT INTO songs (title, artist, album, length, albumposition, filename) VALUES ('Sleep', 'Foo', 'Bar', 101, 5, '/media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Sleep.mp3'); INSERT INTO songs (title, artist, album, length, albumposition, filename) VALUES ('Food', 'Foo', 'Bar', 81, 6, '/media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Food.mp3'); INSERT INTO songs (title, artist, album, length, albumposition, filename) VALUES ('Caffeine', 'Foo', 'Bar', 181, 7, '/media/mp3/Foo/Bar/Caffeine.mp3'); The way I use it at home is to say (beware of line wrap): % find /mnt/mp3 -type f -name '__playlist' | xargs -i{} perl insert_album {} | mysql -uusername -p -hdbserver mp3 Which inserts all the album info into the database in one big scoop. 2) There is a new script called "add" in the distribution which uses an inordinate amount of duct-tape and a bit of hoodoo to try to automate the process of updating your album database. Usage: ./add [options] Version (CVS revision #) Revision: 1.7 last updated Date: 2001/09/23 19:54:41 . RDTJ - Roundeye's duct-tape jukebox. This is the mp3 insert script. Point at a directory and it will attempt to determine artist/album/song mappings for mp3's located under that directory. It uses some voodoo and plenty of duct-tape to try to figure out what the mp3 files are, and how to organize them. Of course, a single directory with 100 mp3 files named 1.mp3, 2.mp3, ... with no id3 tag information is likely to be unworkable. General options -h, -?, --help Display this message -v, --version Output version info and exit -d, --debug Turn on debugging (default = off) -P, --password password Password for offsite search facility -p, --path path Starting directory -a, --artist artist Force artist name -A, --album album Force album name If you aren't connected to the Internet the script will use directory names, file names, and id tags in your mp3 files to try to determine the artists, albums, and song titles for the mp3's in a directory. If you ARE connected to the Internet the script will use a web database to attempt to get the correct names for albums, artists, and songs, and to put them into the proper album order. Note that the --password argument to "add" currently defaults to the appropriate password for the web database. Regardless, once "add" decides on a set of names it will update your database to include them. Note that it won't insert the same mp3 file twice so it's not a problem if you run "add" over the same directory multiple times (it won't insert a record for a file whose complete path is already in the database...). The "add" script recursively descends a directory tree looking for mp3's. CAVEATS: - the online database is almost 1 year out of date - the replacement, which should be kept up-to-date will probably not exist for a few months - "add" is chock full of heuristics so it may not always give spectacular results - "add" works best when the path specified includes a couple of levels of enclosing directories (it uses these names when they are available): % perl add -p ./Carrot_Top/Rocks/ - Running "add" at the top of a 200Gb directory tree is going to take a long time, and probably wasn't what you intended. Instead of: % perl add -p / Maybe you could do: % perl add -p /mnt/mp3 - Put the player in place If you're running the player on a separate machine, copy *and* the RDTJ/ directory to the place where you want it to live: % cp /home/me/rdtj/ % cp -a RDTJ /home/me/rdtj/RDTJ/ - Starting the player The player runs well in the background. Simply launch it like: % perl -n jukebox -m "Living Room" Each invocation of the player should use a different name (-n), and ideally a different message (-m) though that's not required. I usually background the player, but the syntax and behavior varies depending upon which shell you use: % perl -n jukebox -m "Living Room" & Command line player usage. The player supports command-line flags for many configuration options. Usage: ./ -n playername [options] Version (CVS revision #) Revision: 1.18 last updated Date: 2001/09/27 01:52:09 . RDTJ - Roundeye's duct-tape jukebox. This is the back-end player script. Install on a machine with a sound card (that hopefully has access to your directories of mp3's, *and* has access to your database). This program will connect to the database, and repeatedly pick the next song from the queue, play it, and update the queue. General options -n, --name Name of this player (queue name on front-end) -m, --message Player description message -h, -?, --help Display this message -v, --version Output version info and exit -d, --debug Turn on debugging (default = off) -l file, --logfile file Set log file to 'file' (use '-' for stdout) --nolog Disable logging --dbsleep seconds # seconds to sleep if database down --qsleep seconds # seconds to sleep on empty queue --ps location of 'ps' binary Database options --db name Name of database to connect to --dbhost hostname Hostname to use for database connection --dbport port Port number to use for database connection --dbuser username Username to use for database connection --dbpass password Password to use for database connection (warning: this is visible to 'ps'!) Player options -p path, --player path Path to command-line mp3 player (default = /usr/bin/mpg123) -b size, --buffer size Player buffer size in kilobytes (default = 1024) IV - Using the system Point a web browser at the interface. The URL will be something like: http://wwwserver/rdtj/ When the page loads up there are five (5) distinct areas: Request Area In this area the request list is displayed and maintained. If there are no songs requested this area will say so, and there will be no links in this area. Go down to the Song List Area (see below) to add songs to the playlist. When there are requests queued up for playing you will see a line which says "# songs in request list". Clicking on the "request list" link will expand the request list. Once the request list is expanded you will see a line for each song in the request list. The song that will play next will be at the top and later songs will be towards the bottom. The exact information displayed is configurable in rdtj-/html/header.php. An example request list line looks like: 1. [x] (kill) "Tupelo" [3:06] by Barnyard Pimp from Nashville Babylon plays in 2:35 (requested 11:04 ago from 5:41 total This is track #1 (the next track to play), there is a checkbox (more on that later), a link to "kill" this entry, the song title ("Tupelo"), the length of the song, the artist ("Barnyard Pimp"), the album ("Nashville Babylon"), the time until the song plays (2:35), how long the song has been in the queue (11:04), the IP address or hostname of the requester (, and the total amount of music (including any remaining time in the currently playing song). Clicking the "kill" link will remove this song from the request queue, refresh the page, and bring you back to the expanded request list (assuming there are still songs in it). The checkboxes can be used to select a group of songs to "kill" (as if you clicked the "kill" link for each of the selected songs). Select the songs you wish to kill, and press the button below the request list which says "Kill selected". Mass murder. The "total" music time information was added to facilitate creating "mix tapes", where you usually know how much time you have available and wish to fit as much good music in that time as possible. If you have multiple players active you will see a "move songs to..." link at the bottom left of the Request Area. Clicking this link will remove all the songs currently in the request list and append them to the end of the request list of the named player (as of now the currently playing song doesn't migrate with them, mostly because it's unclear how to cleanly handle the common situation where the destination player is already playing a song). Current Song Area When a song is playing you will see it listed at the left of this area along with some basic track information. The exact information displayed is configurable in rdtj-0.4/html/header.php and mirrors the information displayed in the Request Area. Player Control Area This is the area to the right of the Current Song Area. This area can be disabled in rdtj-0.4/html/header.php. For the time being there are only two player states: 'playing' and 'paused'. The current player state will be shown here, as well as a link which will allow you to change the state of the player (actually you can stop the player after the song playing has finished or stop it immediately). If the player is 'paused' then information will be shown about how long the player has been paused and who paused it. The exact information displayed is configurable in rdtj-/html/header.php. The "Turn random songs on/off" link provides access to a "shuffle" mechanism. When random songs are turned on, whenever there are no songs in the player's request list a song is picked at random from the entire known collection. Simple, and good for those times when you're sick of picking songs. If you are running multiple players you may see "go to ..." links at the bottom of the Player Control Area. Clicking one of these links will bring you to the Player Control Area for the named player. Greatest Hits Area Just beneath the Status/Request Area is the "Greatest Hits" Area. Usually this just contains a single line with the text "View Greatest Hits List" with most of that being a single link. Clicking the link will expand the Greatest Hits Area. Once this area is expanded you will see another list of songs. This list ranks the most popular songs on the jukebox in order (with the first song being the most popular). A typical greatest hits line would look like: 1. (235) By And By by Barnyard Pimp from Nashville Babylon This song is the most popular on this particular jukebox (mine) since it starts with "1.". The next number "(235)" is the number of times this song has been played. Then comes the title ("By and By"), the artist ("Barnyard Pimp") and the album ("Nashville Babylon"). Roundeye likes him some BYP. The greatest hits area will only list a limited number of hits at first (mine's set to 25 right now). If the number of hits exceeds this number you will see links to allow you to expand the hits list: View Greatest hits up to: 50 hits, all Clicking either the "50" or the "all" link will expand the hits list further. If you click "50" you'll obviously see up to 50 hits. If you have more than 50 hits in your jukebox then you'll see another set of links (most likely for "100", and definitely for "all"). Clicking "all" expands the hit list to its full length, which may well include every song on your jukebox. Caveat clickor. Song List Area The Song List Area is where you view your collection and select songs (and albums) for play through the jukebox. Initially you will see a list of Artists, and below them their albums. "Where are the songs?" you ask? Just pretend you did, damnit. Click on the name of an album. When you do the page refreshes and the album expands to list the songs on that album. Click on the name of an artist. When you do the page refreshes and all of the albums for that artist expand to show their songs. Here's an example of an expanded album listing: !Barnyard Pimp Nashville Babylon ![4:49] Blue Mazda [5:19] Bob Denver Pee-Wee Herman Blues [2:00] Magellan [3:06] Tupelo [3:32] Piety 1 [7:37] Union [1:51] Piety 2 [playing] [4:07] By And By [requested] (play entire album) First we have the Artist ("Barnyard Pimp"), then beneath that the album ("Nashville Babylon"). Below that is a line for each song listing the track length (4 minutes, 49 seconds for "Blue Mazda") and the title. If the track is currently playing it will say "[playing]" next to it. If it is in the request queue it will say "[requested]" next to it. Clicking a song name will enter that song into the request list as the last song on the list. When the page refreshes you'll still be on the album you had expanded (so's you can keep on loadin' up them tunes). At the bottom of the album's song listing is a link which says "play entire album". Want to venture a guess what that does? Now you know why there's a "mass murder" feature up in the Status/Request Area. :-) What about those little "!"'s in the artist and album listings? Well, I'm glad you asked. When those are visible (when the administration options are turned on in rdtj-0.4/html/header.php) they are links which will bring up an administration interface for an artist, an album, or the songs on an album. Clicking on an artist's name will cause an '!' to appear next to the artist's name (in addition to expanding all the artist's albums). Clicking that link will bring up a two field form. The first field should contain the artist's name. Changing the artist's name in this field will change it in the database, provided you enter the correct administrator password (also set in rdtj-0.4/html/header.php) in the second of the two fields, and then click the "change" button. Clicking on an album's name will cause an '!' to appear next to the album's name (in addition to expanding the album). Clicking that link will bring up a two field form. The first field should contain the album's name. Changing the album's name in this field will change it in the database, provided you enter the correct administrator password (also set in rdtj-0.4/html/header.php) in the second of the two fields, and then click the "change" button. Clicking on the '!' link next to the first song in an album will turn that album's song listing into a form where you can modify the database information for each song on the album. There are 5 fields for each song in this form: '#' - The position on the album of this song. This determines the order in which songs appear in the album listing, and also the order in which songs enter the request list when you click the "play entire album" link. 'Title' - This is the title of the song as it appears in the album listing. Nothing more, nothing less. 'Artist' - This is the name of the artist who performs this song. This field determines which artist the song appears under in the artist/album listings. If you change this the song will appear somewhere else in the listing. If you're trying to change a misspeld artist name for an album you'd be better off clicking the '!' link next to the artist's name and doing it there. 'Album' - This is the name of the album on which this song appears. Very similar to the 'Artist' field in how it works. You can move a song to another album by changing this field. Again, if you want to change an album name that's incorrect you'd probably do better with the '!' link by the album name. 'File' - This is the filename of the mp3 file which gets played when you click the link for this song to put it in the request list. If it's wrong the song won't play. Simple enough? As with the artist and album administration areas there is an admin password field that you must enter correctly, and press the "change" button, to have your changes take effect. Refresh There are configuration options in rdtj-0.4/html/header.php which enable refreshes (browsers which support this will automatically reload the page after a certain period of time). If you have refresh turned on, be aware that (1) refreshes do not happen when you have an admin form in front of you, (2) when the song list is shown the $refresh_time config variable is used (generally the idea is to set this to a longer time period to reduce load on the web server), and (3) when the song list is hidden the $refresh_time_small config variable is used.